Summer Update and Local Markets
It's half way into 2018 and I can't believe how fast time flies. Most of my summer will be used to sketch and prepare new products for the holiday season (I know, way too early to think about Christmas, but it's how it goes).
June Pop Up Shop
I have a surprise pop up happening soon. June 24 from 12 to 2pm I'll be at Regal Cat Cafe for their 1 year anniversary.

During that pop up I'll be showcasing how block printing works and you'll be able to try it yourself as well! I'll be also toting along a few kitty items for sale that aren't at the cat cafe. A portion of the proceeds from that day's sales will go to the Meow Foundation, so I hope you'll come by to cuddle with kitties, have a latte and join me in learning about block printing and being a local maker.
Etsy Made in Canada Market - Calgary

I've been accepted to this September's Made in Canada Market! I love this event so much that I can't even remember how many years I've attended as a vendor. I'm looking forward to launching new fall and winter products this September 28 to 29, 2018. I'll be mainly providing updates on my Instagram account from now til then, so follow along because this is also a special year for Hop & Flop.